Cool Things to See

No one should be the only one

AS IN, if I get to see many a-things that are a-cool, then ya'll should too





Feel free to download these and more from my Stock Photos account:


  • Life IS to be Shared

    Life IS to be Shared

    Christian Diaz

    Life is to be Shared Not just here, more so everywhere. But especially here. That’s what I’m here for.

    Life IS to be Shared

    Christian Diaz

    Life is to be Shared Not just here, more so everywhere. But especially here. That’s what I’m here for.

  • ColoRADo


    Christian Diaz

    Did you know "Colorado" means "colored" in Spanish? I should've known, but I am a neglective native speaker of Spanish. ALSO that apparently it's pronounced "Call-O-RAD-O." I believe every state...


    Christian Diaz

    Did you know "Colorado" means "colored" in Spanish? I should've known, but I am a neglective native speaker of Spanish. ALSO that apparently it's pronounced "Call-O-RAD-O." I believe every state...

  • What are You Running on?

    What are You Running on?

    Christian Diaz

    They say that energy is exchanged with every interaction. At least that’s what I say. Newton told us “with every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.” This law...

    What are You Running on?

    Christian Diaz

    They say that energy is exchanged with every interaction. At least that’s what I say. Newton told us “with every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.” This law...

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